We are made up of both, matter and spirit. This means that our skin, more than just being the visible outer layer, is full of life and activity. It is an organ, like any other part of our body, and needs to be kept healthy and nourished.

However, beauty is an inner phenomenon. As said popularly, beauty lies in the heart of every person and it reflects naturally as radiance on a person’s face. The definition of beauty goes beyond the skin yet, our skin is one of the most visible expressions of this beauty.

The modern-day beauty treatments address the physical needs but do not reveal the secrets of how you can make each cell of your skin glow from within and pulsate with energy and radiance.

how to get a fair skin

Common causes of skin problem are age, stress, unhealthy lifestyle practices such as smoking, alcohol, drug addiction, wrong food habits, hormonal changes in the body and improper digestion. There are many natural beauty tips for glowing skin which also help in cleansing and rejuvenating the skin.

Here, we list top tips for you to get that radiant skin.

Skin home remedies

Ayurveda has many secrets for preserving beauty. Ayurvedic scrubs or ubtans gently nourish the skin and help it breathe better. What’s even better is that you can find the ingredients in your kitchen.

how to get glowing skin

Sweat it out

Running, jogging, and a few fast-paced rounds of Sun Salutations (Surya Namaskars) will give your body the necessary blood circulation. Sweating is considered as good for health and skin. Be sure to shower post the exercise with cold water as it will clean your skin too.

how to make skin glow


Practice yoga

If you have practiced the downward dog pose, then you must have noticed that the attention shifts gently on the breath. The beauty of yoga practice is that there is attention on the body (as it stretches) and on the breath. Every time you exhale, you get rid of toxins from your body. Yoga and the process of conscious breathing accelerate cleansing in the body, leaving the skin refreshed and energized. This aids in maintaining the glow.

home remedies for glowing skin

Know who you are

Are there some days when no matter what lotions you apply your skin is still dry? Sometimes you and your friend could use the same product yet, the effect is different for you? This happens due to the role of unique body constitution. According to Ayurveda, every individual is a combination of two or three elements: Vata, Pitta, and Kapha.

Interestingly, each of these constitutions has specific qualities that define your body and personality type as well as determine the make-up of your skin. If you have dry skin, chances are that vata is dominant in you. A pitta body type tends to have normal skin while oily skin is usually attributed to those with kapha. Knowing what body type you are will help you understand what kind of food you should eat and avoid.