What do women want? All men have asked this. Typically as a man you want to feel as though the woman respects you, honors you, and, sexually desires you. You’re thinking that this could be so much easier, so why do women have 100 other things that they want from a man? Well, I hate to break it to you handsome, that’s really not the case. We just want to see what you’re all about when it comes to life and I am going to cover this in my 10 ways to attract a woman below. Men miss out on dating women when they have the following 2 false beliefs.

False Belief #1: You have to have money. This is the biggest false belief out there known to man! Before you roll your eyes at me, read on so I can break this down for you a bit!

I am not saying there aren’t any women out there that aren’t just attracted to money because there most certainly are. Does money help status? Sure. But if you don’t have the qualities, a well put together woman isn’t going to put up with your bullshit and money will only keep her around temporarily. A man who thinks that he has to be rich and buy women things is lacking confidence in himself. A man with healthy self-esteem with money knows his value and worth do not depend on his bank account.

When a man tells me that women are only attracted to the money, he usually fits into two categories. One, he’s been hurt before. He just came out of a really bad breakup, bad divorce, or two, was played by a woman that was a gold digger. Guys, if you have been played by a golddigger it’s because you skipped the part about really getting to know who the woman in front of you was. You just went after her because she was a 10, pretty, with a hot body and maybe play a game of hard to get.